The Wyrm - Page 1
4/27/2020, 4:19:27 PM
A youth climbs a mountain to confront a beast which has troubled their village for generations. They trudge through the snow with a determined look on their face until they discover the entrance to a cave.
A youth climbs a mountain to confront a beast that has troubled their village for generations
4/27/2020, 4:19:27 PM
A youth climbs a mountain to confront a beast which has troubled their village for generations. They trudge through the snow with a determined look on their face until they discover the entrance to a cave.
4/27/2020, 4:45:31 PM
Entering the cave, the youth hears a voice:
"So, you've come to slay me. Now that I'm old and weak. How pathetic."
4/27/2020, 5:41:57 PM
After hearing the voice, the youth turns, but they're too slow. Something slashes at their side. They turn to face their attacker, only to falter once they see.
4/27/2020, 5:47:29 PM
In the darkness of the cave, a mass of eyes stares down at them
4/27/2020, 5:48:39 PM
The beast continues:
"I've burned nations. Flattened mountains!"
It steps forward.
"And they think I can be killed by some abandonded pup?"
Terrified, the youth raises their sword.
4/27/2020, 5:50:15 PM
Eyes closed, the youth swings their sword, cutting into the beast, which lets out a screech in shock. It evaporates into dust as a gust of wind blows it away. The youth stands there in shock. They hear a voice:
"so be it."
4/27/2020, 5:52:32 PM
As the beast fades, it continues to speak, its voice barely a whisper:
"You may have killed me, but I'll still live on. The survivors will remember their fear and the bodies I left behind. And when they sing of you, they'll also sing of me"
4/27/2020, 5:53:19 PM
The youth exits the cave, still gripping their sword, tears in their eyes.
4/27/2020, 5:56:53 PM
The last thing we see is their sword lodged in the ground.