My Face Is Not My Own - Page 1
1/6/2021, 1:01:28 AM
I came to an important realization recently
My face...
Isn't my _real_ face
1/6/2021, 1:01:28 AM
I came to an important realization recently
My face...
Isn't my _real_ face
1/6/2021, 1:01:25 AM
It's like a mask, a layer on top of my true face
I noticed it a few days ago
My head felt heavy, and there was a tightness around my forehead, nose, and mouth
"why would my body suddenly so feel so foreign?"
1/6/2021, 1:01:26 AM
That's when I knew there was something strangling my real face.
And it became impossible to ignore
I couldn't breathe, everything felt so stuffy
1/6/2021, 1:01:22 AM
The worst, though, was the eyes.
It felt like there was a film over them, like the world was blurred.
1/6/2021, 1:01:23 AM
But it's okay
I'm taking care of this tonight
No matter what it takes, I'm getting this fake face off
And when I'm done...
I'll see the world as I was always meant to