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Sketch book: 12/19/2023-12/26/2023

12/28/2023, 12:00:00 AM

Wyrmslayer Drawings

One thing I noticed last week was that I seemed to have more success with life drawing when I started with the hair, rather than the shape of the head, so this was an experiment to see if I could apply that to non-life drawings. Not sure if it worked entirely, but I feel like I started figuring things out.

drawings of the family's dogs

On Friday, I went back home to visit the family. Spending time with everyone is kind of a mixed bag for me, so I spent a lot of time drawing. This is a page of sketches of my sister and parent’s dogs: Lizzy and Remi.

Remi's birthday and Suzume doodles

Saturday was Remi’s birthday, so here’s a sketch of a photo we took. We also watched Suzume that night, which explains the little chairs. I think I liked it more than Your Name, but that might be because I get judgy when it comes to body swap/genderbending media, especially for more mainstream works. I’d rather read some weird ecchi egg shit if it comes from a more personal place.

sketches of my cousin's cat

ocean waves sketches

On Christmas Eve, we went to the first of the parties. My cousin’s cat Benji was very social, so I spent a lot of time drawing him. Later that night, we watched Ocean Waves, my favorite Studio Ghibli movie. Most Ghibli movies have some sort of darkness to them, but I feel like Ocean Waves has an edge that the others don’t. It’s hard to imagine other movies featuring a teenager who lies to get money, talks about her period, and downs rum and cokes. Only Yesterday maybe comes close.

The family cat Annie

I tried drawing my aunt’s dog on Christmas Day, but he kept wandering off, so I didn’t make much progress. The next day, though, I tracked down my family’s cat Annie and made some sketches of her. She’s very friendly, but the dogs don’t like her and she stays upstairs most of the time. I always miss her.